Australian Weeds and Livestock

Toxic to Humans
Botanical Name Common Name
Abrus precatorius Gidgee Gidgee, Crab's Eye, Jequerity Beans, Indian Liquorice
Aconitum napellus   Monkshood, Wolfsbane, Aconite
Acalypha hispida Red Hot Cat’s Tail
Aesculus spp  Horsechestnut
Agapanthus spp   Agapanthus, African Lily
Ageratum riparia  Mistflower
Ailanthus altissima Tree of heaven
Aleurites moluccana Candle nut
Allamander neriifolia Allamander, Yellow Trumpet Vine
Alocasia macrorrhiza  Alocasia, Cunjevoi, Elephant ears, Giant Taro
Alternanthera pungens  Khaki weed
Amaryllis belladonna Belladonna lily, Naked Lady
Arbutus unedo Irish Strawberry tree
Aristolochia spp Dutchman’s Pipe, Birthwort, Calico Flower
Atropa belladonna Deadly Nightshade, Dwale
Brugmansia candida Angel’s trumpet, Datura
Brunfelsia spp Yesterday Today and Tomorrow, Franciscia
Buxus spp Box hedge, Boxwood
Cassia spp Cannabis, Indian hemp, Marijuana
Cestrum spp Orange/Green Cestrum, Lady of the night, Green poisonberry
Cinnamomum camphora Camphor laurel
Consolida ambigua Larkspur
Daphne spp Daphne
Datura spp Fierce Thornapple, Long-spine Thornapple
Delphinium spp Delphinium
Dendrocnide spp Stinging tree
Dieffenbachia spp Dumbcane
Euphorbia spp Spurge, Milkweed, Poinsettia
Ficus elastica  Indian rubber plant, Fig
Galium aparine Cleavers
Gelsemium sempervirens Yellow jasmine, Carolina Jessamine, Woodbine
Genista monspessulana Cape broom, Montpellier broom, Canary Broom
Gloriosa supurba Glory lily, Climbing lily, Flame Lily
Hedera helix English Ivy
Helleborus spp Christmas rose, Lenten rose
Ilex spp Holly
Jatropha curcas Physic nut, Purge nut, Coral plant
Kalmia augustifolia  Sheep laurel, Lambkill
Laburnum spp Laburnum
Lathyrus odoratus Sweet pea
Lonicera japonica Honeysuckle
Melia azedarach White cedar, Cape lilac, Neem tree
Papaver somniferum Opium poppy
Parietaria judaica Pelletory, Asthma weed, Sticky weed
Parthenium hysterophorus Parthenium weed
Persicaria spp Smart weed, Knot Weeds
Philodendron scandens  Philodendron
Phytolacca octandra Inkweed, Pokeweed, Dye berry
Pimelia curviflora Pimelia, Desert rice bush, Flaxweed
Plumaria rubra Frangipanni, Pagoda, or Temple tree
Rhododendron spp Rhododendron, Azalea
Solanum pseudocapsicum  Madeira winter cherry, Jerusalem cherry
Taxus baccata English yew
Thevetia peruviana Yellow oleander, Tree daffodil, Cook tree, Be-still tree
Toxicodendron radicans   Poison ivy
Toxicodendron succedaneum Rhus tree, Sumac, Japanese wax tree
Urtica spp Stinging nettle, Scrub nettle
Wisteria floribunda/chinensis Japanese wisteria, Chinese wisteria
Zantedeschia aethiopica Arum lily, Cattle lily

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